Friday, April 9, 2010

Her Ride, My Ride

The Sunday after Thanksgiving was a very beautiful day. In fact, it was perfect for a Bedford horseback ride. I invited my niece Kristina and my friends Muffin and Kathleen first to breakfast. I made light and airy popovers, farm-fresh scrambled eggs, homemade jams, and frothy cappuccinos. Then, we mounted our horses and went off to ride a great distance on the Beford (sic) Riding Lane Association trails.

Me: I drove to Clarendon, 4 miles, took 15 minutes.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Dog School

Today Moses went to Dog School. He learned how to heel, sit, stay, lay down, shake and roll over. It took 15 minutes. Harry stayed home and cleaned the kitchen.

Finishing the Square Foot Garden

100 cf of compost, perlite, and potting soil completes the SFG.
Doesn't it look nice.
Only took 15 minutes.

My Favorite Thing Today

An old toothbrush can polish off your cleaning whether it's in the bathroom, kitchen, pantry or wherever. I toothbrushed my sinks today.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

First Day on the Job

I bought the lumber for the square foot garden, loaded into Jim's car and delivered it (it only took 15 minutes! start to finish).

The pantry's louver doors needed cleaning, need I say more.

I took down the blinds, scrubbed them outside in the sun, and re-installed them.

My Mission

Every day I will try to live like Martha. I will clean as she cleans, I will cook as she cooks, I will launder as she launders, I will care for my pets as she cares for her pets, etc.